Compiling UnrealEngine Project by Command

I found sometimes I just want to tune a little code. Open full solution file of Visual studio is annoying. If you’re same, you can use below command to compile unreal project code:

UnrealBuildTool.exe YourProjectName Platform BuildConfig -project="[Path]\YourProjectName.uproject"

UnrealBuildTool in the \Engine\Binaries\DotNET folder in your Unreal Engine.

Platform is like Win64, IOS, or Android and so on.

BuildConfig is Development, Debug, or Shipping and so on.

For eg.

UnrealBuildTool.exe MyTestProject Win64 Development -project="C:\UE_Projs\MyTestProject\MyTestProject.uproject"

Need Notice, above cmd is for Standalone, If you want to compile for Editor, should replace the target with [YourProjectNameEditor]

UnrealBuildTool.exe MyTestProjectEditor Win64 Development -project="C:\UE_Projs\MyTestProject\MyTestProject.uproject"